
Quotes from PhotoEntry Administrators and Users:

"PhotoEntry has been a great innovation for Bath Photographic Society. PhotoEntry is now used in all of our competitions, as well as for exhibition curation, show and tell evenings, and joint competitions with partner club in the US. Members like the ease of entry, auto resizing, and the ability to see their entry history. Competition organiser like the automated league tables and the structure it gives to the process and other activity owners find the variety of formats of output zip files to be very flexible. Even our webmaster appreciates the watermarking feature which adds title and photographer to competition images for our website. In short within 12 months PhotoEntry has added value to almost every area of BPS." (Robin Johnson, Competition Secretary, Bath Photographic Society)

"Our camera club has used PhotoEntry now for several years. It makes running competitions so much easier. Members no longer have to resize their own photos and we no longer have to constantly remind them that we need a Title. As an admin I have found the system really easy to use - it is great that with one login you can behave as an admin or as a user. However the best thing about PhotoEntry is that it is constantly improving to meet the current requirements of the photography world. For example recent changes allow members to easily view and vote on their clubs photos for internal competitions  and you can even prevent people voting for their own entries. We are a small club and do not use many of the more advanced features of this programme, but it is apparent that this programme is written by someone who understands what is required and how to deliver it in a non-complicated manner. " (Competition Secretary, Visions Photography Club, Aberdeen)

"Our club has been using PhotoEntry for the last year, it is a godsend and saves so much time. The members can easily upload their entries, the competition secretary can quickly download the images to send to the judge, and email results and messages competition entrants. The interface to DiCentra is quick and easy including the upload of results to PhotoEntry, and calculation of series totals. We also use it for image selection for club battles. The support from Chris with any issues is excellent." (David Higton, Secretary, Wilmslow Guild Photographic Society)

"Using PhotoEntry means that we are no longer sending out a host of emails saying, wrong size, wrong profile, no data or even no images. PhotoEntry has transformed this by making our lives, as Competition Secretaries, a whole lot easier. Entries can now be collated and prepared for competition in minutes. We also find that PhotoEntry works seamlessly with projection software, in our case FFP. Results are posted before members leave at the end of an evening. Our members appreciate the ease with which they can upload their images and the facility to look back on their entries / scores from previous rounds. The also enjoy the facility of seeing all the images and scores from competitions when results, with thumbnails, are posted out to them. We would whole heartedly recommend using PhotoEntry to ease the competition load." (Malcolm Rapier, Competitions Secretary, Edmonton Camera Club)

"We are now three competitions in to our first season using PhotoEntry. It has transformed the way we enter and run competitions. It is very easy to submit entries and during the competition all entries, including images of print entries, are displayed on the screen. Actual prints are still required to be judged , of course. Results and POTY status are available to email immediately after the competition ends (at our last competition they were sent before I went home!). Best of all is that it only takes me an hour to prepare for a competition instead of several days preparing spreadsheets, checking images etc. PhotoEntry also has a strong link with DiCentra and all the data is imported directly into DiCentra directly from PhotoEntry saving even more time, although you can run competitions directly from PhotoEntry if you wish. All of this plus excellent support means that I highly recommend PhotoEntry." (David Holmes, Competitions Secretary, St Helens Camera Club)

"The Federation of South London Photographic Societies has used PhotoEntry for it's inter-club and open competitions this season. The software is easy to set up & use and we have received favourable comments from many of our clubs. From an administration point of view, PhotoEntry has been invaluable to ensure the smooth running of our competitions. When I have had queries, Chris has offered a very prompt and helpful service. I've had no hesitation in recommending PhotoEntry to my own club for their internal competitions." (Gill Peachey LRPS, SLF Competition Secretary)

"The system is so easy to use that it is a pleasure to use. All that I have to do is select the competition that I wish to enter from a list and follow the prompts. The uploading of images is fast and should I wish to change an image that I have already submitted, this is also very easy to do." (D. Doar, Club member)

"The PhotoEntry On-Line system I found very easy to use, with lots of prompts which help you remember where you are in the process. I can recommend other clubs to consider using it." (S. Sulley, Club member)

"For 3 years Nottm & Notts P.S. has used the PhotoEntry on-line system for members to submit images (incl. images of prints) for competitions and for collecting images for the annual Federation exhibition. This PhotoEntry on-line is absolutely brilliant in that it saves images being emailed, posted on a CD or transferred by memory stick. Members can update images from any where they have internet access. It checks the size, formats the title for consistency and allows members to delete, replace or add images at whatever stage before the date of closing. Downloading the entries is also simple and quick and they are all ready for inputting into most judging software. We use DiCentra. What is fantastic about PhotoEntry is it is so simple to set up and create competitions for clubs. The system allows two other members to be administrators so there is no panic should someone in charge be away or unable to complete the next stage. Once the competition is scored, the results can easily be uploaded onto the PhotoEntry web site for all members to see the league tables and see their individual scores. This is a superb piece of web programming and if there are any difficulties then Chris Palmer is always willing to check and advise at any stage to make the PhotoEntry as easy to understand and is willing to consider suggestions for improvement. As you would expect, no-one else sees the images or results other than the entrant or member (except where explicitly published). Thank you very much Chris for creating a wonderful system especially for competition organisers." (Ian Taylor, Nottingham & Notts Photographic Society)

"I am very pleased with the new competition online entry system. In particular that one can see all ones entries and the running total of points in the different sections." (T. Glancz, Club member)

"I find the PhotoEntry software very easy and efficient to use. It checks the size and colour space when I submit the images online and rejects or warns me if they are not compatible with the competition rules. I like the summary of my entries that shows a copy of the actual images for each section of the competition. The closing date and time for entries is clearly shown and I can easily see which competition categories are open for entry. The scores assigned to my images are available very soon after the competition has finished and it's very useful to see league tables showing the relative scores of other club members." (D. Jones, Club member)

"Having been a competition secretary for several years I've tried to find as many ways as possible to reduce the amount of work the role demands. PhotoEntry has been a major step forward in that respect. Not only that, but it has actually been welcomed by the members. Designing a system that adapts to the requirements of many different clubs cannot be easy, but its developer has been very receptive to any suggestions that I've made to make it suitable for our club's use. I particularly like the way it links to DiCentra and if, as promised, there is further integration, the combination will be unbeatable." (Ken Prandy, Competition Secretary, Abergavenny Camera Club)

"We are a small organisation in the North west UK. During 2016 there was a need (albeit late) to introduce a website for member clubs. At the ICPA, friendly competition is the reason for our creation in 1909, and bringing us up to date we have found PhotoEntry a valuable addition. For our recent Annual competition, after 16 clubs made entries (without issue), downloading and input to competition software was made easy. The PhotoEntry owner is very quick to answer questions and resolve queries. There is a great FAQ for admins as well as users. The ability for users to add/remove an entry until a competition is closed is great as are the instant warnings for size and colour compatibility. In a word PhotoEntry is AWESOME!" (Wayne Rushworth, ICPA website admin)

"PhotoEntry has made our entry system more streamlined at Accrington. We initially thought we may not need to update our system, but all our testers were impressed to the extent that we had no doubt that PhotoEntry is at least very user friendly and at best gives our competition Secretary time to enjoy photography again. We are set to use the system for monthly competitions, portfolios as well as our annual." (Wayne Rushworth, President, Accrington Camera Club)

"I have been the GPS Internal Competitions Secretary for some years. Every competition used to require hours of my time both before and after the competition. And working out the series competition results was a nightmare. All of this burden has been lifted now. Photographers make their own entries which are checked by the system. Importing into DiCentra is a breeze, and all the results are sent out minutes after the competition finishes. I never want to go back to doing it manually!" (Mike Hotston, Guildford Photographic Society Internal Competitions Secretary)